The 15th issue of The American magazine will be released next week
The American
Congratulations to everyone for making it to the end of the first semester of 2022. A lot happened during the first semester of the year. While the virus keeps spreading in its different strains, Madagascar has decided to reopen its borders and welcomed thousands of tourists for the first time in two years.
That is the reason why AmCham is publishing the 15th edition of its quarterly magazine focused on the tourism and hospitality sectors, hardly hit by the pandemic. The release is titled: "Open sky, digitalization, and skills development: 3 key drivers to tourism recovery and further growth.” Aina Raveloson, Chair of the CTM wrote the opening editorial, arguing that Madagascar should welcome new airlines to better connect the country to the world.
A brief overview of the magazine
Back in 2017, the American Chamber of Commerce in Madagascar was awarded a small grant by the U.S. Embassy’s Public Affairs Section (PAS). The grant was intended to produce the first ever magazine fully edited in English in Madagascar. The first edition of The American magazine was then published in October 2017.
As a reminder, one of AmCham’s main missions is to promote the use of the English language within the business community in Madagascar. Since its launch in 2017, The American magazine remains a way for AmCham to share ideas about various topics, to promote freedom of expression, to promote both American and Malagasy cultures, to communicate news related to diplomatic and economic relations between Madagascar and the United States, and to share AmCham and AGOA-related news.
Each issue of The American magazine is focused on a key topic. Among the key topics the Chamber has dealt with are Environment, Corruption, Education, Agriculture, Technology, Tourism, Africa, Educational Exchanges, Industry, Economic Recovery, Cultures, Youth, Environment, and Energy. The 15th issue covers various topics around the tourism and hospitality sectors.
Since its first edition, the magazine keeps being distributed for free to a well-targeted audience. Copies of the magazine are delivered to private sector actors, including AmCham members and other chambers of commerce, to AmCham’s partners (international organizations, NGOs and associations). Big hotels and restaurants in Antananarivo, as well as English-teaching centers, are also distribution points where a wider audience can grab a copy of the magazine. Anyone interested in getting a physical version can also visit the AmCham office Ankorondrano. A soft copy is available for free download on AmCham’s website:
The paper version of The American magazine is published on a quarterly basis. The previous edition was last released last March.
The AmCham would like to thank the following contributors to the 15th edition of The American magazine: Aina Raveloson, Joël Randriamandranto, Eric Petitjean, François van Rens, Anthony Rasolofonirina, Nicolas Martin, Haingo Ranaivomanantsoa, Bruno Rasamoel, Haja Rabejatovo, USAID Madagascar, Economic Development Board of Madagascar, Ministry of Tourism, Civil Aviation of Madagascar, and Aléa des Possibles.
WWW.THEAMERICAN.MG: the digital version of the magazine
Thanks to the funding provided by the U.S. Embassy in Antananarivo, the AmCham launched the digital version of The American magazine in October 2020, in order to keep in touch on a daily basis with the anglophone readership in Madagascar.
In addition to AmCham’s daily publications, it is now possible to read the articles in The American magazine on wherever we are, as long as we have access to internet on our smartphone or laptop.
By Kenny Raharison